Saturday, October 5, 2013


Dead City Light. Names from the picture left to right: Justin Grubb, Zachary Erfort, Nick Rossi.  They all did their signs in their stylistic ways.  Nicks photo was flipped because it was mirrored. If you also blog and such, here's a website where it will flip mirrored images or turn them:
Hello #Castaways and any new people who are potential fans to the band 'Dead City Lights. Dead City Lights are a band that loves making music and holds their fans deep in their hearts. I keep up with their music and upcoming events as also a dear fan of theirs.  I've followed up on this band since they started out and they agreed to do this interview. Many fans have waited for this Q&A blog post and now here you have it, a Q&A with Dead City Lights. Enjoy everyo ne. ^^-Kristen L.
"Castaway" lyric video by: 'Dead City Lights'

Q: What made you guy realize you wanted to make music?
A: "Music is something that we've all wanted to do for a long time. All of us were around 12 or 13 when we really started playing a lot."

Q: Do you guys have a record label? 
A: "We are currently unsigned."

Q: How old are each of you?
A: Zachary Erfort (22)
     Justin Grubb (22)
     Nick Rossi (23)

Q: Please state the instruments you play for each member.
A: Zachary- Vocals and lead guitar
     Justin- Rhythm guitar
     Nick- Drums

Q: What inspires each of you to write and play music?
A: "We all draw inspiration from plenty of places but I think each of us do this to connect with people that love music as much as we do. Music has helped us through our darkest days and been there for our brightest nights (soooo poetic haha) All in all, we just love how music brings people together and we want our music to bring people together."

Q: Do you have any new ep's coming out soon?
A: "We are currently writing and will be recording at the end of this month."

Q: Do you guys plan on touring around the U.S. soon?
A: "Tour is something that we have always had as a goal, but there is a time and place for everything and rushing won't be good for us or any of you. We think about tour every day and when the time is right, you can bet we will be on the road because it kills us to see fans in our YouNow chats or on our Facebook wall or Twitter feed telling us how much they want to meet us because we want to meet all of you!"

Q: . Do you plan to experiment with different genres of music?
A: "We definitely are with these new songs. We have been learning a lot about ourselves as writers. We are very proud of 'Come Alive' but we are ready to reach down and create something really unique and special."

Q: How long have you guys know e/o and how did you guys meet?
A: (Answered by Nick:) "Justin and I met each other when we were about 10 and we both met Zach when we were freshmen in high school."

Q: Do you have any favorite venues you have played from so far? Any you disliked? 
A: "There was a really cool venue in town called The Clubhouse that we loved to play before we were in Dead City Lights but it closed down a few years ago. We love our friends at The Nile, always a good time playing there."

Q: What are rehearsals like for you guys (Nick Answers?)
A: "They can get pretty off the wall. It really depends on what we are working on to be honest. If we are rehearsing for a show it's a blast to run through the songs and come up with ways to make the show interesting and fun to participate in. If we are writing it's pretty intense. Zach will bring a song with guitar and vocals and we will run through it, then I will go home and build drums for it on my computer, then it's a lot of listening, adding parts, listening, taking parts out, listening, and re-listening."

Q: What advice-from each of you- would you giving for people are interested in creating a band?
A: "Work hard to make your dream come true. It is one of the hardest things you can do but it's also the most rewarding. Know that it's okay to fail, learn from your mistakes and keeping standing back up."

Q: List one thing about yourself that fans haven't heard about you before?
A: Nick - "I am an adrenaline junkie. I LOVE skydiving. My favorite thing to that is a lot less expensive, is cook. I love to cook for people."

Q: Any inspiring words from each of you you'd like to give for your fans?
A: "We do our absolute best to talk with our fans on Facebook, Twitter etc. We are a very transparent band so we hear a lot of stories of bullying, crappy home lives, and just the struggles of figuring out their place in the world. If every one of you read this, I want to say (and I'm ripping this straight from the new Johnny Craig record) FIND WHAT YOU LOVE AND LET IT KILL YOU. Whatever your passion is, find it, and completely immerse yourself in it. It will get you through everything."

Q: Anyone you want to give thanks to for financial offering or support towards the band?
A: "First and foremost, our Castaways. Being unsigned, we don't have a lot of financial support so when you guys buy a shirt, or a CD, or a wristband it helps us record a song, make videos, and will be what gets us on the road. You can spend that money on any band, or any THING for that matter, when you choose to spend it on our music, it truly means the world. We really need to thank Zach's family for letting us invade their home every single week and play music there."

 Official Facebook band page:
Official Fan page:
If your interested in buy their music, you can buy their music on  iTunes and Amazon.
You can get band gear at: